Integrated Pest Management

Using integrated pest management, we take a proactive approach to plant health care and take the necessary steps to determine what a plant needs to thrive or overcome disease. Some of what we will look at to determine the correct treatment for a tree or shrub include placement of the tree- does it get adequate light, water? Are the roots continually impacted due to its proximity to a driveway or often traveled path? Is it in need of fertilization or treatments to thwart an insect or fungal invasion? We use holistic techniques to arrive at the source of what ails your trees and shrubs so we can treat the problem at its root.


We treat a variety of issues, including identifying general insect damage and environmental problems. We take a scientific approach and utilize testing from accredited laboratories to produce answers that treat the root of the problem and not just the symptoms.


Now more than ever, with the emergence of the Emerald Ash Borer in our state, we are keeping up with the latest technologies to aid in treating ash trees. We offer inoculation treatments that are good for two years to keep a tree immune from the invasive insect.


Dutch Elm Disease has tragically decimated much of the Elm population in regions of the northeast and midwest. This has many property owners and municipalities taking advantage of inoculation against the disease. We use Arbortec 20 to treat against DED which offers a two year window of protection.


We offer comprehensive annual spray programs for fruiting trees and shrubs, treating trees for a variety of ailments that are prevalent in our region.

We are Committed to the Timber Tender Way

Every time we collaborate with you to solve problems in your landscape, we use time honored methods to engage with you, listen to your ideas, assess the needs of your landscape first-hand and find solutions for the most proven and effective treatments.